Let’s make it happen
Web Development & Design
I offer packaged services for storefront buildouts and redesigns of an existing site. Shopify or Squarespace buildouts can be customized based on your business needs.
For small projects and customizations on existing sites, work is billed hourly. My competitive rate will be billed by the quarter hour with a minimum half-hour invoiced.
Are you looking for someone to update your website regularly? I offer limited maintenance services on a contract basis.
From bringing personality to an existing website, to replacing ineffective apps with solid code, I have helped teams and companies target inefficiencies to streamline methods and processes that cut costs and reduce workload.
Knit ATX is a brand-new Austin-based yarn retailer that offers materials, classes and events for the Austin fiber arts community.
Scope of Work
Full Shopify website build-out applying font and color scheme choices. Set up rewards program using outside app. Created a custom calendar integration with existing Google calendars to eliminate need for paid calendar app. Google maps integration on homepage.
Knit ATX
La Bien Aimée
Scope of Work
Website redesign with font and color palette customization, custom mega menu, stock-level notifications. Created custom product-specific tax calculations. Set up conditional confirmation emails based on purchased product type. Provide ongoing maintenance, bug fixes, color scheme refreshes, theme updates.
PomPom Magazine
Scope of Work
Theme code modification; debugging existing code; app maintenance